An average Nigerian child
will understand the taste I felt in my mouth today as I cried. That
bitter-sweet taste of tears and tight feelings in your throat that you cannot
believe the pain. As if i had just been caned. And right when you feel you have cried enough, your eyes are
beginning to enjoy the water production and now you cannot stop it. So I had
answers and HIS peace of mind that at least I can say that I began to grow into
it and in the midst of trying to find me some outward comfort, I walked to the
fridge and found a plate of freshly peeled, sliced and chilled watermelon. I
went for it.
One bite and I couldn’t find
the teary taste no more. All gone. My tight throat now released and I wanted
some more of the cool juicy fruit. But there HE was, present as always with a
lesson I needed to learn.
When life gives us bitter experiences and a taste that seems to come naturally and cannot be eradicated what do we go for? It was
quite amazing to me how I felt good so instantly. Maybe it was because HE was
teaching me to go for the fruit of the SPIRIT when next I am down. I once heard
Gloria Copeland say but not literally that when you feel down look for somebody to bless. Go love
Go for love and find peace and joy in the love of GOD. The BIBLE does talk about the fruit of the SPIRIT being love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. They are called fruits of the SPIRIT and
so the only place you can find them is in the SPIRIT and so like I did for my
physically bitter mouth please stretch out and receive the love of CHIRIST
whether life throws us bitter experiences or we walked right into them
ourselves, either ways HE is faithful and HE is just and loves us and HIS arms
are widely stretched. So reach out for some juicey HOLYGHOST fruits by simply
leaning into HIS everlasting arms, in worship, praise, prayer, some good deeds and/or word study and let HIS fruits chase away all those bitterness.
I love you
#PictureCourtesyGoogle ;)