Sunday, 8 April 2018

MOVIE MAGIC- A few thoughts on Forgiveness

Looking at the title and seeing the photo display, you probably have an insight to what I am going to say, but I will write my article anyways!

If you are reading this, you have been hurt at least once in your life. True? Yes? Both of the above?

Personally, I don’t think I have ever had an issue with forgiveness. At least, not that I can remember. However, I have been hurt by people and abstained from conversation or companionship with them as a result of it. I have abstained both temporarily or even permanently in severe cases. I’ll state an example; if I had a friend I trusted, only to realise the person planned to kill me or use me to steal money or cause terrible harm, I could choose to abstain from conversation with such a person permanently. My friends are mine to choose and as I realise that person isn’t trustworthy, there is no need playing in harm’s way. However, these kind of severe cases are not what this article is written to address.  

Movie Magic!

Today I talk about the subconscious script in my head. I wonder how it got in there, but there is one and I’ll explain.

I have been thinking a bit on forgiveness and even though I don’t particularly have a tough heart, one which wishes to dwell in unforgiveness, I do have something to deal with still. I realised recently that, I have a script in my head and it has had a subtle effect on my way of life and thinking. I have a way certain projects should go, people should behave, places should look like etc. and when that script is altered (Note, reality can simply be reality) I don’t find it funny. This means that people can hurt me by doing what was sincerely the right thing to do in their perspective but it hurts because that isn’t reflective of what I have got in my head! Funny as it sounds, a lot of us are hurt today for the same reasons and if we can simply open up and try to look at things a little bit from the other person’s point of view, we realise they had pure intentions and did the best they could do either given the information they had or given the knowledge they have of you or of the subject matter. They may be treading carefully not to hurt you but did the exact opposite while trying. Then again, this person is simply sincerely wrong and it isn’t a bad thing and it’s no disease. Communication will clear or straighten things out here. I must warn you, it’s easier written than experienced so please take some patience along with you when going for that conversation. 

I should add here that if this happens in the work place; let’s say ideas are being pooled for a particular assignment, and you have a structure in your head but the ideas you are hearing from team mates are nothing like what you have planned, do well to lend a listening ear. Nobody said your script cannot be improved my darling!

Now unto my best part! Like I said earlier, not that I have a tough heart or a forgiveness issue, however, my script is soo detailed! It not only contains how I feel people should behave, it also contains some form of repentance mechanism and/or remorse disposition for the offender. I have the entire dialogue typed, printed and spiral bound in my head or the level of remorse the individual must express so that my forgiveness process is made easy and movie worthy.

In prayer today, I looked at the cross and how much begging would have been script worthy for Jesus to pay our price. I tried to imagine if I was to pay the price for a friend’s sin and the price was exactly what Jesus paid for mine. What amount of begging will be sufficient? Even if this friend of mine brought his entire family and clan, would I be strong enough to pay the price still? Okay let’s say I agree out of so much pressure (Slim chances here) After going through the beatings Jesus went through, it’s enough for me to say “No thanks, I am not helping again” Then run off to go nurse my wounds. But Jesus paid my price, we could never have begged him enough to die but he did. More so, the people alive at Jesus death, did not even attempt acting according to the script I might have wanted. If I were Jesus, I would have liked that the people who were there at least followed me saying “Thank you for paying my price” or “I could never have done this without you” or “I cannot wait to tell the world of your love” or “I thank God for the glory ahead” but no! Instead they shouted “Crucify him” *face slam*

But HE paid my price anyways and when He rose I arose with him, I was dead in sin but now, I am alive in Christ and dead to sin. I am a new creation. Hallelujah! Thank God He did.

Now haven examined that fact, I decided I am gonna try and put this picture before me when next the dearly beloved around me doesn’t act according to script! I am going to love anyways and love always. I will forgive because Love is who I am not what the other person does or does not do.

You are eternally loved!


Thursday, 9 February 2017


An average Nigerian child will understand the taste I felt in my mouth today as I cried. That bitter-sweet taste of tears and tight feelings in your throat that you cannot believe the pain. As if i had just been caned. And right when you feel you have cried enough, your eyes are beginning to enjoy the water production and now you cannot stop it. So I had answers and HIS peace of mind that at least I can say that I began to grow into it and in the midst of trying to find me some outward comfort, I walked to the fridge and found a plate of freshly peeled, sliced and chilled watermelon. I went for it.
One bite and I couldn’t find the teary taste no more. All gone. My tight throat now released and I wanted some more of the cool juicy fruit. But there HE was, present as always with a lesson I needed to learn. 
When life gives us bitter experiences and a taste that seems to come naturally and cannot be eradicated what do we go for? It was quite amazing to me how I felt good so instantly. Maybe it was because HE was teaching me to go for the fruit of the SPIRIT when next I am down. I once heard Gloria Copeland say but not literally that when you feel down look for somebody to bless. Go love somebody!
 Go for love and find peace and joy in the love of GOD. The BIBLE does talk about the fruit of the SPIRIT being love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. They are called fruits of the SPIRIT and so the only place you can find them is in the SPIRIT and so like I did for my physically bitter mouth please stretch out and receive the love of CHIRIST whether life throws us bitter experiences or we walked right into them ourselves, either ways HE is faithful and HE is just and loves us and HIS arms are widely stretched. So reach out for some juicey HOLYGHOST fruits by simply leaning into HIS everlasting arms, in worship, praise, prayer, some good deeds and/or word study and let HIS fruits chase away all those bitterness.
I love you
#PictureCourtesyGoogle ;)

Sunday, 2 October 2016

The Third Vessel

“20In a wealthy home some utensils are made of gold and silver, and some are made of wood and clay. The expensive utensils are used for special occasions, and the cheap ones are for everyday use. 21If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honorable use. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work.” (2Tim 2:20-21 NLT)

Being taught about this scripture over the years, in Sunday School, at prayer programs, at church, etc., I was given the notion that two vessels were presented in the picture here. The expensive vessels were made from gold and silver and those made out of wood and clay were the cheap ones as the verse on our primary text calls them and I was told that if I purged myself, I will be able to be like the first set of vessels made of gold and silver. We would pray, “Lord, I don’t want to be made of wood and clay, I want to be a vessel of gold and silver!” Funny thing is I even used it to cite examples when talking to people myself. Then weeks ago, I read it for myself. This famous BIBLE verse! I finally stumbled upon it by myself and the LORD taught me it anew HIMSELF and there He showed me there is a third vessel in that verse. Let us check it out again and read it together and then I will tell you a story or two to illustrate some more about this most important vessel just as HE did to me.

“20 In a wealthy home some utensils are made of gold and silver, and some are made of wood and clay. The expensive utensils are used for special occasions, and the cheap ones are for everyday use. 21 If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honourable use. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work” 

Let me use my own home as a typical example. We have three broad categories of plates in the house. We have Daddy and Mummy’s plates, The Children/Normal plates and then Special plates for special days (parties, ceremonies, etc). The interesting detail is that no matter how beautiful the party plate is, it is never used to serve daddy and daddy’s plate is for daddy alone and no matter how there are no more plates to use during a party, you cannot use daddy’s plate to serve any guest. As I pointed out earlier, Daddy’s plate is for daddy alone. Some days ago, after serving breakfast, I was lazing around and didn’t wash daddy’s plate till it was dinner time. When dinner was served, I looked for the plate and remembered that it wouldn’t be in its place because it wasn’t washed yet. I tried to serve with another plate, but it just wasn’t working as even the fanciest of plates wasn’t good enough. I ended up washing his plates and wiping them dry so I could serve him dinner.

This practical example, to me properly explains the mystery of the third vessel which verse 21 calls the special utensil and in my own words “daddy’s plate”. The vessels made from gold and silver are expensive and yes used for special occasions but GOD wants to use us every day. Notice it is the 3rd vessel that is used by the master and it says that it is for every good work! GOD is everywhere doing good things every day. The life of JESUS here on earth shows us that. HE never did good things only occasionally, HE was a man given to a daily life of good works. Having this understanding, I chose to step up! I want to be a master’s everyday plate and not just an expensive utensil brought out only occasionally. As believers, our daily life should speak of HIS love towards mankind and we should express it as well as we can and as often too. The concluding verses show us how. You need not worry, it is not that difficult once we have  received the SPIRIT of GOD and HE's alive in us to help us: for the BIBLE says that it is GOD who works in us both to will and to do of HIS good pleasures (Phil 2:13). 
So, let’s take a look at the concluding verses together and see just how we can be this honourable vessel for the master’s daily use:
22 Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts.
23 Again I say, don’t get involved in foolish, ignorant arguments that only start fights. 24 A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people. 25 Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth. 26 Then they will come to their senses and escape from the devil’s trap. For they have been held captive by him to do whatever he wants. (NLT)

Remember that no matter how good a visitor's plate is, this our master is LORD over every other master and no guest is bigger than HE.
GOD actually wants to use me for HIS glory everyday. I am a daddy’s plate!

I know GOD will grant us understanding

You are eternally loved!

Monday, 26 September 2016

Instruments of Your Peace

Where do I begin?
I missed you!!!
A lot has happened and the silence was intentional and now worth it. However I am here and it is time to write!
Welcome to my world where I share OUR thoughts I hope you like it!


Today, I got into something and had to make a clear decision. Afterwards I got reminded of this song by
Women of Faith and I was glad that I made the choice I did. (Sometimes, we may not exactly hear the LORD's voice but over time, the things that we know about HIM; HIS likes and dislikes can help us to make proper on-the-spot choices). However, lately I have been tried on every side on how much i can take from people everywhere. LOL. They may not know it but mehn, in the past few weeks lots of things attempted to push me to the wall! Work, chores, choices, expectation from people, services i paid for, cab guys! Name it! However in the midst of it all, i have learnt to find his peace and stay under HIS control.
Made me think. Maybe we need to question why we make decisions to fight back, "fight for our rights", put people in their place, not let people take us for granted, etc. This May be hurtful for a while especially when it can be satisfying to yell or payback. However, it is certainly unimaginable the peace, joy, growth and maturity we earn by simply learning to let go, smile and forgive even when by all indications we deserve an apology or when it feels so good to put men in their place. Be an instrument of the LORD's peace today, tomorrow or when the next need arises and watch how that peace fills your life as we learn to leave under but live above!
I will see you on sunday, 2nd October with a lesson I learn concerning vessels!
I love you and so does HE
Monic... <3