Monday, 26 September 2016

Instruments of Your Peace

Where do I begin?
I missed you!!!
A lot has happened and the silence was intentional and now worth it. However I am here and it is time to write!
Welcome to my world where I share OUR thoughts I hope you like it!


Today, I got into something and had to make a clear decision. Afterwards I got reminded of this song by
Women of Faith and I was glad that I made the choice I did. (Sometimes, we may not exactly hear the LORD's voice but over time, the things that we know about HIM; HIS likes and dislikes can help us to make proper on-the-spot choices). However, lately I have been tried on every side on how much i can take from people everywhere. LOL. They may not know it but mehn, in the past few weeks lots of things attempted to push me to the wall! Work, chores, choices, expectation from people, services i paid for, cab guys! Name it! However in the midst of it all, i have learnt to find his peace and stay under HIS control.
Made me think. Maybe we need to question why we make decisions to fight back, "fight for our rights", put people in their place, not let people take us for granted, etc. This May be hurtful for a while especially when it can be satisfying to yell or payback. However, it is certainly unimaginable the peace, joy, growth and maturity we earn by simply learning to let go, smile and forgive even when by all indications we deserve an apology or when it feels so good to put men in their place. Be an instrument of the LORD's peace today, tomorrow or when the next need arises and watch how that peace fills your life as we learn to leave under but live above!
I will see you on sunday, 2nd October with a lesson I learn concerning vessels!
I love you and so does HE
Monic... <3