Sunday, 19 April 2015

My Past is Gone

John 15: 5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Hey everybody! I know your week went very well. Before we go into today’s post, I’ve decided to share a lesson i learnt this week. It’s truly a big one, one that will stick with me for life. Apart from the fact that my week was 2000% awesome and even more, i must say that this past one was better than any i have had (as it is scriptural for it to be so). I had to make certain choices this week and it felt like i was choosing whether to go left or right and either way would have a life time impact on me. My love, it didn’t just feel as it, it truly was. I praise GOD however for the gift of the HOLYSPIRIT,and the grace not just to yield to HIS plans but to proclaim it and stand firm at it too (For it is GOD who walks in me both to will and to do of HIS good pleasures- Phil2:13). Friend, So the big lesson in it all is this- Even if your foremost and sometimes only influence is from the HOLYSPIRIT, It’s one peer pressure that pays 100% positive. HE alone knows the end from the beginning. Men can predict good, however only the LORD knows HIS plans for you, and the HOLYGHOST will reveal that to you so simply follow. Don’t wait for confirmation from men- what if they do not come? Or what if the majority is saying nothing in that direction? Simply say yes to GOD and believe so. For i have learnt, it may look big in the eyes of men, but as far as it’s not GOD’s plan, it weighs nothing to our heavenly father. If his plans seem tiny before men, stick to it, so long as you put a smile on GOD’s face, that’s all that truly matters and being confident, HIS plans are for HIS glory, and that’s all that matters to me.

Ok, now to “My Past Is Gone”, and I’ll try for it to be as quick as i can.

For without me ye can do nothing

The BIBLE says in John 15:5 that without HIM (GOD), we can do nothing. The past of a man as we understand in the BIBLE could mean “The time before HE gave HIS life to CHRIST and this is true. We understand that it is a time where evidently GOD is without a man. This could mean that GOD wasn’t walking with that individual personally. Today’s lesson is short and straight to the point. GOD says to us here through our anchor verse that without HIM, we can do, but all our doing will amount to nothing. Meaning we could say but all our saying will be words without power or wisdom or any form of worth. One may have success, but all your successes will weight so little as nothing in the sight of the KING. Now if i do many things and they all amount to nothing, it shows that even those evil, unrighteous and sinful acts i did before i began to love the LORD all amounted to nothing in the sight of the LORD. Meaning HE took no record of it, to HIM i was not doing anything at all. Therefore, my past does not exist!

It is also a major trick of the enemy to hunt us believers with the mistakes of our past. Especially when the believer has come to some sought of understanding on the effects of that action. As in the consequences or the spiritual or physical aftermath. Dearest you, having come to understand that all your doing then when you where outside of CHRIST amounts to nothing, then there is nothing- and i mean absolutely no basis for you to be punished or go through any of the consequences. A great understanding of this will cause you to soar.

A lot of people get so scared over activities of the devil, let me chip this in today as some bonus knowledge to set you far above. It’s simple- If the enemy doesn’t work with the LORD, all his activities concerning my life as to hurt me is simply nothing but a waste of time on his part. Many of us have heard of certain covenants that our fathers entered on the behalf of their generations of which we happen to be part of ( lol ) however, please note that all their doings amounts to nothing so long as they did all outside CHRIST. Only blessings are permitted to follow you, ‘cause that where CHRIST’s involved. Plus, you live far above every curse. You are called to live a blessed life! And that’s how BIG and POWERFUL our GOD is!
JESUS loves you.

Proclaiming the greatness of our GOD!


  1. Even the operations the devil can do, it's the Lord who allows Him.
    In the end, all things will work for good for God's own.

    1. I totally agree with you Johann. Thank you very much for this comment.

  2. Glory to God for the revelation of His Word


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